Nicolas Korte
Dipl.-Ing., Systemischer Coach (www.nicolaskorte.de)
„Dr. Rebecca Burke hat nicht nur umfassende Kenntnisse in allen Bereichen der Maorikultur, sondern sie kann diese auch außerordentlich gut weitergeben. Sie zeichnet dabei verbale Bilder, die den Gesprächspartner direkt packen und das Thema sehr lebendig machen. Ihre Begeisterung ist unmittelbar und in hohem Maße ansteckend. Als Wandlerin zwischen den Welten hilft sie Organisationen, Gruppen und Menschen, das für sie wertvolle aus der Welt der Maori zu erkennen und für sich umzusetzen. Dabei besonders bewundernswert finde ich, wie sehr sie sich dem kulturellen Erbe der Maori verpflichtet fühlt und stets mit Respekt und Hochachtung dafür sorgt, dass dieses gewahrt bleibt.
Im Zuge unserer Zusammenarbeit kann ich ehrlich sagen, dass ich in den Jahren 2020 und 2021 von keinem Menschen mehr gelernt habe als von Rebecca.“
Kane Harnett – Mutu
Founder, HakaPeople Cultural Consulting, Copenhagen, Denmark
For nearly five years I have had the pleasure of working with Rebecca both as a consultant, collaborator, friend and business partner. There is not enough I can say about her dedication to her work and her personal integrity. Rebecca is truly the definition of professionalism, and her dedication in upholding and supporting indigenous culture development is groundbreaking. From her unique perspective as the only German with a Ph.D in Maori Studies from New Zealand, her understanding of the complex issues that surround hierarchical based structures is extensive and her ability to transfer this knowledge authentically into companies is a true rarity. I can personally say that Rebecca’s watchful eye and sublime attention to detail have been an invaluable part of the development of my company and has contributed to much of the success with our work with global giants such as BMW, SnapChat, Maersk Shipping and Adidas.
During the course of our collaborations, she has single-handedly created the procedures that have aligned complicated cross-cultural infrastructure issues but also provided bridging opportunities to align tools and processes with the needs of our customers. I’ve personally seen Rebecca handle the most highly-detailed and intricate projects with the agility and finesse that marks a true professional. Whether it be her unstoppable thirst for cultural integration or managing her complex role with the University of Applied Sciences Bochum, Rebecca grasps the larger picture and can execute in detail what needs to be done in order for that vision to come to fruition.
More than anything, Rebecca is a person who is dedicated, skilled, loyal and who takes great pride in her work. She builds her success on forming enduring relationships and a work ethic that is a vital part of her personality and ambition. Dr Rebecca Burke is an important figure in the cultural development of her homeland of Germany, a role she takes very seriously and of which I look forward to encouraging and supporting in the years to come.